How To Pay For College Tuition

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Survive This Economic Crisis and make Some Extra Cash

The economic crisis has hit everyone! Most people are searching for ways to make some extra cash in order to survive. Is this situation going to last for another month, a years or a decade, no one seems to have the answer.

Jobs are becoming more and more, scarce and those that are able to keep or find a job has to accept a reduced salary and less benefits. That leaves most households with the reality that an additional income is needed. There are many ways to approach this dilemma, the first of which is to hit the newspapers and see if there are any part time job opportunities. This is good but usually doesn’t satisfy the ultimate need or provide any extra cash to enjoy life a little.

However, if you view this economic crisis as a cleansing of the old ways to make money and consider it a new beginning to locate and succeed in the “Brave new World” that new world being the internet, there are an abundance of opportunities out there.

The trouble is that there are literally thousands of vultures online seeking to take advantage of this dilemma and have flooded the market with promises of making millions at home using your computer. Needless to say most of these "opportunities" do little more than to get you to spend your money.

There are some very good ways to make some extra cash online and there are some people who are going through the plight of this economic crisis and have discovered ways to use the internet to make that extra cash. After all there are close to 2 billion people who use the internet every day and this market is global!

There are some of these people who now have been making some extra money on the internet that have developed methods and located niches that have been successful. There is one story in particular that is interesting.

One such person experiencing difficult times in this economic crisis lost his job, could find another job and was facing bills that were piling up. Things were so bad for him that he actually moved back in with his parents and borrowed cash from them to pay his bills and try his hand at making some extra cash on the internet to make ends meet. Well his story winds up being a success story and he is now earning more money online than he did when he had a regular job. One thing that really struck me about this guy is how much he hates companies like Google, Yahoo, MSN.

It was his persistence that earned him his success on the internet. There is always one thing to remember it can get frustrating trying to make an income online, you're only one breakthrough away, one discovery, one loophole, one glitch. It can happen and it will happen. And when it does believe me it's worth every dollar and second that you spent online. In fact it's all the sweeter. Making money online seems to be more rewarding, maybe because you can do from home.

Necessity is the mother of invention and this economic crisis has created the necessity which is, we need to make more money to survive. The internet is at our finger tips; it is convenient and easily accessible through our computer. Some of these successful people even will share their success stories with you. If you would like to see the video of his story, please check it out here.

Click Here! To Watch The Video



    Jobs for college students: where do you find them and where should you be looking for them? Of course you would probably want to search around your college campus and the surrounding area for jobs as those jobs would be easy to commute to. You should also do as much job hunting online as you can as that is where many companies now find new recruits. Luckily, most online job websites are free for you to post your resume and look for jobs as well.

    One of the jobs for college students you might consider is that of a resident hall advisor otherwise known as an RA.

    This is a job you might really enjoy but it is not for everyone. The type of individual that may enjoy this type of job is one that doesn’t mind living in a dormitory or university housing. They must also be willing to work on weekends and evenings as well as move in early and move out after everyone else. You will usually have to take an elective course designed for RAs as well as attend a training retreat. Because of great amount of team work, one should enjoy interacting and leading others.

    What Is This Job About?

    The main focus of a resident advisor job for college students is too keep the resident halls safe, ensure everyone complies with the laws (including no drinking until 21), and provide educational programs and activities. It is estimated that you will work about 15 to 20 hours per week and this involves being “on duty” one night per week and usually one weekend per month.

    Being “on duty” means staying in your room or in the main areas of your housing complex so you are around and available if others need you. You will also need to man the desk/mail area for a couple hours to hand out toilet paper, light bulbs, and other items that residents may need.

    In the evening you will be doing “rounds” every couple hours until midnight or later. This activity involves walking around the whole resident hall ensuring the safety and adherence to university and state laws. You will be checking in on parties that are occurring, making sure that all people attending are of legal age. If attendees are not of legal drinking age you must dispose of all alcohol in the room, take the names of all attendees and write up paper work regarding the event for all residents in attendance that were not of legal age and for the residents of the actual room who hosted the partied with minors in attendance. The worst part of the job many RA’s find, is having to break up parties. It is not fun, but as long as you have good people skills most students are pretty understanding and know that you are only doing your job.

    How Much Does It Pay?

    The benefits of and RA job usually include FREE room and board and you get a room to yourself! It is great not having to share your room with others and you get twice the space as the regular residents without paying a dime. In addition, you will usually get a small stipend each month. This ranges from college to college but usually a few hundred dollars. What is the greatest benefit is that you have an outstanding job to put on your resume. This position requires a lot of responsibility and provides great skills that are needed in today’s workforce. That alone make the job a great one.

  2. One of the jobs for college students you might consider is that of a resident hall advisor otherwise known as an RA.

    This is a job you might really enjoy but it is not for everyone. The type of individual that may enjoy this type of job is one that doesn’t mind living in a dormitory or university housing. They must also be willing to work on weekends and evenings as well as move in early and move out after everyone else. You will usually have to take an elective course designed for RAs as well as attend a training retreat. Because of great amount of team work, one should enjoy interacting and leading others.
